Hurt Locker Gym
Privacy Policy

The Hurt Locker Bridport Ltd

Protecting your personal data

We are committed to safeguarding your personal information and we comply with all data protection laws including:

  • The Data Protection Act 2018;
  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); and
  • Any regulations made under or to supplement either of the above, relating to the personal information that we collect about you.

This policy applies to any personal data that we collect from you. When we refer to personal data or “information” within this policy this relates to any information which could be used to identify you, either directly or indirectly when combined with any other information we may hold about you. The privacy policy explains:

  • What personal data we collect about you;
  • Why we collect that personal data;
  • Who we share your personal data with;
  • Why we might contact you and how you can change that;
  • How long we retain your personal data;
  • How we keep your personal data secure; and
  • What rights you have in relation to your personal data.

Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

Personal data collected by The Hurt Locker Bridport.

We hold the following personal information:

  • Personal data you have provided to us when you enquire or become a Member of us or apply for a job with us including name, address, contact details (including email address and phone number);
  • The name and contact details (including phone number) of your next of kin;
  • Details of referrals, quotes and other contact and correspondence we may have had with you;
  • Information obtained from customer surveys, promotions and competitions that you have entered or taken part in;
  • Notes and reports about your health and any treatment and care you have received and/or need. Incluing the online PAR-Q for your health and safety.
  • Client feedback information you provide;
  • Entered competitions and promotions that we have ran;
  • Information about complaints and incidents;
  • Information you give us when you make a payment to us, such as financial or credit card information;
  • Completed our forms, or otherwise provided information to us, when accessing and/or using the products and services we make available; some of that information may be considered sensitive personal data for the purposes of the Act, and we will ask you for your specific written consent for us to use that information before you give that information to us, and we will tell you how we intend to use that information when we ask you for your consent.

(For Employees) Where you have named someone as your next of kin and provided us with personal data about that individual, it is your responsibility to ensure that that individual is aware of and accepts the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Personal data we collect about you

We store personal data we collect about you while using our services and facilities. These include:

  • Fitness class booking history
  • Financial transaction information
  • CCTV video and images
  • Visit the websites
  • Use the app
  • Enquire about any of our services or treatments
  • Register to be a customer
  • Fill in a form or survey for us
  • Carry out a transaction on our website
  • Participate in a competition or promotion or other marketing activity
  • Make online payments
  • Contact us, for example by email, telephone or social media
  • Participate in interactive features on any of our websites.
  • Information we receive from other sources eg. Social media.

Reasons for collecting that personal data

We collect and store your personal data in order to provide you with membership-related services, such as access to the facility. The legal basis for processing any personal information as part of this request is processed on the basis of performance of a contract or to take necessary steps to enter into a contract. Examples includes:

  • Registering you for membership:
  • Managing your membership account and the products and/or services available to you through it;
  • Collecting and managing your payment for membership and, if you do not pay, for taking such steps as are necessary to arrange for you to make that payment; and
  • To notify you about changes to our products or services; and

We also have legitimate interests for processing your personal data which include:

  • CCTV use within and around the gym; and
  • To contact members to provide them with information about offers, products and services through email, SMS and post.


Receiving communications from The Hurt Locker Bridport and updating your preferences

If you are an existing customer and have not opted out of receiving marketing communication from us at the time you provided your personal details, we may contact you by email and SMS to inform you of our products and services we think may be of interest to you. You are able to update your marketing contact preferences at any time via the app or website.

For new customers, we may contact you to promote our products and services if you have provided your explicit consent for us to do so. You can change your marketing contact preferences at any time via the app or website.

Right to object

You have the right to object to the processing of their personal data in certain circumstances.

There is an absolute right to stop your personal data being used for direct marketing. If you wish to amend your marketing preferences or prevent your personal data being used for marketing purpose please either send your objection to our email address: Or come into the main office snd speak to a member of staff.

Retention of personal data

We do not retain personal data for as long as necessary and we will retain personal data provided to us in line with your membership. Once the period has elapsed, we will securely destroy your personal data in accordance with our data handling policies.

Security of personal data

We take the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal data seriously and have implemented technical and organisational measures to ensure that your information is kept secure. We conduct assessments to ensure the ongoing security of our information systems. To that end DO NOT give your membership password out to anyone.

All information you provide to us is stored securely. Any payment transactions on our website will be processed securely by third party payment processors.

Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password that enables you to access certain parts of our website, you are responsible for keeping that password confidential. We ask you not to share a password with anyone.

Personal data and your rights

Right of access

You have the right to obtain a copy of your personal data held by us as well as other supplementary information. If you would like to request a copy of your personal data, the best way to make a request to a member of staff who will pass on this request to our online software team Clubrite.

We may also ask you to provide ID in order for us to confirm your identity. We may ask for one of the following to verify your identity:

  • Passport;
  • Driving licence;
  • Birth or marriage certificate; or
  • Utility bill (from the past 3 months).

We will only request identification where appropriate. If so, we will contact you as soon as practicable to inform you further information is required to respond to your request.

Right of rectification

You have the right to have inaccurate personal data rectified. If you believe we are processing inaccurate or incomplete personal data about you, please submit your request to rectification at Or seek a member of staff.

Right for erasure

It is your right to request the deletion of your data from our records, except (as explained above) if it is necessary for us to perform our legal obligations or contractual obligations to you or another third party. If you would like to submit a request for erasure of data, please send your request to

In addition, you also have the right to:

  • In some circumstances, receive the personal data which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have this transmitted to another data controller (Data Portability);
  • Withdraw consent where this is the legal basis for us processing your information; and
  • Object to processing where we are relying on legitimate interests as the legal ground for processing.

If you have any data protection concerns or wish to exercise your rights under the GDPR, please contact:

Mr Richard Harvey

Director of The Hurt Locker Bridport


If you have concerns about the way we have handled your personal data please contact us in the first instance. Please see the tier system:

Contact a member of staff,

Contact a manager

Contact the Director.